Kayn Mod cards

DefendBasicSkill1Gain 5 (8) Block.
Prepare The KillBasicSkill0Gain 5 (9) Vigor.
Slaughter The WeakBasicAttack1Deal 6 (9) damage to ALL enemies. If the enemy has less than 50% HP, deal an additional 6 (9) damage to that enemy.
StrikeBasicAttack1Deal 6 (9) damage.
Blade SpinCommonAttack0Retain. Deal 7 (10) damage to ALL enemies.
Blood GambitCommonSkill0Lose 3 (2) HP. Gain [E] and draw a card.
Calculated StepsCommonSkill2Retain. Gain 11 (15) Block. When Retained, lower this cards cost by 1.
Calculated StrikesCommonAttack2Retain. Deal 11 (16) damage. When Retained, lower this cards cost by 1.
CullCommonAttack1Deal 5 (7) damage to ALL enemies. Trigger theshadowreaper:Reap on target enemy.
ExploitCommonAttack1Deal 6 (9) damage. If this dealt at least 9 (12) damage, gain 6 (9) Block.
Frenzied StrikeCommonAttack2 (1)Deal 5 damage to a random enemy 3 times.
Frenzied StrikeCommonAttack1Deal 5 (6) damage to a random enemy 4 times.
Frenzied StrikeCommonAttack1Deal 6 (7) damage to a random enemy 2 times.
Mark For DeathCommonSkill1 (0)Apply 5 theshadowreaper:Reap . Next turn, gain [E] .
OverpowerCommonAttack1Deal 8 (11) damage. If you played a card costing 2 or more this turn, gain 8 (11) Block.
Piercing StrikeCommonAttack1Deal 5 (7) damage. Apply 1 (2) Vulnerable.
PreparationCommonSkill1 (0)Draw a card. Choose a card in your draw pile and give it Retain. Exhaust.
Press The AdvantageCommonAttack1Deal 5 damage. Choose a card from your discard pile and place it into your hand. Exhaust. (not Exhaust.)
Reaping SlashCommonAttack1Deal 8 (10) damage. Apply 4 (6) theshadowreaper:Reap to ALL enemies. Gain 6 (8) Block.
Reaping SlashCommonAttack1Deal 8 (10) damage. Apply 4 (6) theshadowreaper:Reap to ALL enemies. Enemy loses 5 (6) HP.
Reaping SlashCommonAttack1Deal 8 (10) damage. Apply 4 (6) theshadowreaper:Reap to ALL enemies.
Shadow AmbushCommonAttack1Deal 7 (10) damage. If the target has a debuff, deal an additional 5 (7) damage.
Shadow SightCommonSkill0Retain. Gain [E] ([E]). Exhaust.
Shadow SightCommonSkill0Retain. Gain [E] ([E]). You can only play two of this card per turn.
Shadow SightCommonSkill0Retain. Gain [E] ([E]). Exhaustive 2
StalkCommonSkill1Gain 7 (10) Block. Draw 1 card. Next turn, draw 1 card.
Swift DodgeCommonSkill0Gain 4 (5) Block. If this is the first card you've played this turn gain an additional 3 (5) Block.
Adaptive StrategyUncommonSkill0If you played no attacks this turn, gain 6 (9) Block and 6 (9) Vigor.
Assassin's TrainingUncommonPower2At the end of your turn if you have unspent [E] ,gain 1 (2) Strength.
Blade's ReachUncommonAttack1Deal 8 (12) damage to the two frontmost enemies. Apply 1 Weak.
Blade's ReachUncommonAttack1Deal 8 (12) damage to ALL enemies. Apply 1 Vulnerable.
Blade's ReachUncommonAttack1Deal 8 (12) damage to the two frontmost enemies.
Blood ReaperUncommonSkill1Lose 4 HP. Apply 10 (14) Reap to ALL enemies.
BloodfuryUncommonSkill0Lose 5 (4) HP. Gain [E] [E] [E] .
BloodrageUncommonPower1 (0)Whenever you lose HP from a card, draw a card.
BrutalizeUncommonAttack2Deal 14 (18) damage. If the target does not have Vulnerable, apply 2 (3) Vulnerable.
Dark PactUncommonSkill0Lose 3 (2) HP. Add 2 random cards to your hand.
Darkin RageUncommonPower1Whenever you play a card that costs 2 or more, gain 1 (2) Strength.
Demon ArmorUncommonPower2At the end of your turn if you have unspent [E] , gain 5 (6) Block for each unspent [E] .
Desperate MeasuresUncommonSkill1Gain 6 (9) Block. If you have less than 50% health, gain an additional 6 (9) Block.
DistractUncommonSkill1Apply 2 (3) Weak. Reduce the cost of a random card in your draw pile to 0 until played.
Edge Of DeathUncommonSkill1Apply 5 (7) theshadowreaper:Reap . Deal damage equal to half the target's theshadowreaper:Reap .
Fade Into ShadowsUncommonSkill1Gain 5 (7) Block. Next turn, gain 5 (7) Block.
GankUncommonAttack1Deal 7 (10) damage. Reduce the enemy's Strength by 3 (4) this turn.
Gold AdvantageUncommonSkill2 (1)Gain Vigor based on current Gold. Exhaust. 1-100: 8 Vigor. 101-200: 12 Vigor. 201-300: 16 Vigor. 301+: 20 Vigor.
Heavy HitterUncommonPower2The first time you play a card that costs 2 or more each turn gain [E] ([E]).
Master Zed's TrainingUncommonPower2At the end of your turn if you have unspent [E] , draw 1 (2) card(s).
MeditationUncommonSkill0Gain [E]. Unspent [E] is conserved this turn. Exhaust. (not Exhaust.)
Molten BloodUncommonAttack2Lose 5 HP. Deal 14 (16) damage. Target loses 12 (14) HP. Exhaust.
OutburstUncommonAttack2Deal 14 (17) to ALL enemies. Gain [E] [E] . Shuffle a Void into your discard pile.
Reap And TearUncommonAttack1Deal 8 (11) damage to ALL enemies. Apply 3 (4) theshadowreaper:Reap to ALL enemies.
Reaper's SigilUncommonSkill2Apply 12 (16) theshadowreaper:Reap [REMOVE_SPACE].
Reaping WhirlwindUncommonSkillXApply 4 (6) theshadowreaper:Reap to ALL enemies X times then trigger theshadowreaper:Reap on ALL enemies. Exhaust.
Reckless AttackUncommonAttack2Deal 24 (30) damage. Apply 1 Vulnerable to yourself.
Sanguine StrikeUncommonAttack1Lose 2 HP. Deal 15 (20) damage. Apply 1 (2) Vulnerable.
Second StrikeUncommonAttack1Deal 11 (15) damage. Costs 0 if you played a card costing 2 or more this turn.
Shadow StepUncommonSkill1Gain 6 (8) Block. Next turn, draw 3 (4) additional cards.
Shadow StepUncommonSkill0Gain [E] . Next turn, draw 3 (4) cards.
Shadow StepUncommonSkill1Next turn, draw 3 (4) additional cards.
Shadow WaltzUncommonSkill1Draw 1 (2) card(s). If you have played 3 or more cards this turn, draw 2 (3) more cards.
Shed WeaknessUncommonSkill1Lose 4 (3) HP. Remove all debuffs from yourself. Gain 1 Strength for each debuff removed. Exhaust.
Showers Of BloodUncommonAttackXLose 2 HP X times. Deal 7 (10) damage to ALL enemies X times.
Siphoning StrikesUncommonPower1When you apply theshadowreaper:Reap to an enemy gain 3 (4) Block.
Tactical SelectionUncommonSkill1Choose a card from your draw pile and place it into your hand. Exhaust. (not Exhaust.)
Tend To WoundsUncommonSkill0Heal 6 (9) HP. Gain 1 Vulnerable. Exhaust.
TransfusionUncommonAttack3Deal 18 (24) damage. Gain 10 (13) Block.
Umbral EnergyUncommonSkill1Gain 5 (8) Block. Next turn, gain [E] [E] . Exhaust.
Unending SlaughterUncommonAttack1Deal 6 (8) damage twice. Gain [E] for each attack played this turn up to a maximum of [E] [E] [E]. Exhaust (Exhaustive 2).
Whispers Of BloodUncommonPower1At the start of your turn, apply 3 (4) theshadowreaper:Reap to ALL enemies.
All Or NothingRarePower0Gain 8 (10) Temporary Strength. Next turn, lose 2 energy.
AnnihilateRareAttack3Deal 30 (35) damage. Apply 3 Vulnerable.
Combo MasteryRareSkill1Draw 2 (3) cards. Reduce the cost of ALL 2+ cost cards in your hand by 1 this turn. Exhaust.
Finishing TouchRareAttack2Deal 20 damage. Vigor and Strength bonuses are doubled (tripled) on this card.
Flurry Of BladesRareAttackXDeal 10 (12) damage to a random enemy X times. (Damage is increased by 25% of your Temporary HP.)
Flurry Of BladesRareAttackXDeal 10 (12) damage to a random enemy X times.
Flurry Of BladesRareAttackXDeal 10 (12) damage to a random enemy X times. (Damage is increased by 2 per [E] used.)
Future PlanningRareSkill1 (0)Your [E]is conserved this turn. Next turn, draw cards equal to the amount of cards remaining in your hand. Exhaust.
Profane BlowRareAttack3Deal 30 (35) damage. If this attack kills the enemy, gain 2 (3) Strength.
Reaper's HarvestRareSkill1Double (Triple) the enemy's theshadowreaper:Reap. Exhaust.
Reaper's TollRareSkill2 (1)Deal damage equal to double the enemy's current theshadowreaper:Reap . Remove theshadowreaper:Reap .
Shadow CloneRareSkill2 (1)Choose a card in your hand. Add a copy that costs 0 into your hand. Exhaust.
Siphon StrengthRareSkill2Steal 1 (2) Strength from ALL enemies. ALL enemies lose an additional 2 (3) Strength. Exhaust.
Soul HarvestRareSkill2Apply 14 (18) theshadowreaper:Reap to ALL enemies. Gain Block equal to half of the theshadowreaper:Reap on ALL enemies. Exhaust.
Stack The DeckRareSkill1 (0)Choose 2 cards from your exhaust pile and place them on top of your draw pile. Exhaust.
Strategic ManeuverRareSkill1 (0)Select 5 cards from your draw pile, upgrade them for the rest of combat and place them at the top of your draw pile. Exhaust.
Temporal StrikeRareAttack2Deal 15 (20) damage. Next turn, draw 2 cards and gain 1 Strength.
Umbral TrespassRareSkill3Gain 1 Intangible. At the start of your next turn, deal 20 (28) damage. If Fatal, deal 50% of damage done to ALL enemies. Exhaust (Exhaustive 2).
Umbral TrespassRareSkill3Gain 1 Intangible. Next turn, deal 20 (28) damage. Exhaust (Exhaustive 2).
Umbral TrespassRareSkill3Gain 1 Intangible. At the start of your next turn, deal 20 (28) damage. If Fatal, gain 4 Max HP. Exhaust (Exhaustive 2).

Kayn Mod relics

Doran's BladeCommonShadowreaper_colorFor the first 3 turns of combat gain 3Vigor.
Doran's ShieldCommonShadowreaper_colorFor the first 3 turns of combat gain 3Block.
ElectrocuteCommonShadowreaper_colorOnce per turn, if you play 3 attacks, Deal 8 damage to an enemy.
Dark HarvestUncommonShadowreaper_colorKilling an Elite or Boss grants 1 stack of Dark Harvest. During Boss and Elite combats, gain Vigor equal to your Dark Harvest stacks at the start of each turn.
First StrikeUncommonShadowreaper_colorEach combat, gain gold equal to 20% of damage dealt with your first 3 attacks.
HubrisUncommonShadowreaper_colorWhen an enemy dies, gain 5Strength. At the end of this turn, lose 5Strength
Spear Of ShojinUncommonShadowreaper_colorEvery 5 cards played, reduce the cost of a random card in your hand by 1.
AftershockRareShadowreaper_colorAt the start of your 4th turn, gain 10 Block and deal 10 damage to ALL enemies.
Death's DanceRareShadowreaper_colorReduce damage taken by 33% and instead store it within this relic. At the end of every turn take 25% of the damage stored. Exiting a fight in any way removes all damage stored.
EclipseRareShadowreaper_colorOnce per combat, when you play 5 attacks in a single turn, gain 14 Temporary HP.
Base FormSpecialShadowreaper_colorGain 3TemporaryHP at combat start. For the first 2 turns of combat draw 1 additional card.
Rhaast FormSpecialShadowreaper_colorEach time you damage an enemy with an attack (or Reap), gain 10% ( 8%) of damage dealt as TempHP.Reaping will commence NOW.
Shadow Assassin FormSpecialShadowreaper_colorFor every 25 unblocked damage dealt, draw a card.The Darkin is gone. Our enemies are next.
The Darkin ScytheSpecialShadowreaper_colorGather Red or Blue essence from combat encounters (Elites count as 2). Upon gathering 8 Essence of either type, Kayn can assume the form of DarkinSlayer or ShadowAssassin.DarkinSlayer: Gain 10% of damage dealt as TempHP.ShadowAssassin: Draw a card for every 25 damage you deal.It'll do something eventually.
InfinityEdgeBossShadowreaper_colorWhen attacking an enemy with Vulnerable, gain 1TemporaryStrength.
ManamuneBossShadowreaper_colorOnce per turn, When you play 3 attacks, gain [E] .
Mejai's SoulstealerShopShadowreaper_colorStart each Elite and Boss combat with 1 Strength. If you win without taking damage, permanently increase this by 1 (up to 10)
PredatorShopShadowreaper_colorEach combat, the first time you play a card that costs 2 or more, draw 1 card.
The CollectorShopShadowreaper_colorYou execute enemies below 5% health. When you kill an enemy gain 5 gold.

Kayn Mod keywords

Form BonusThe below effect changes based on Kayn's current Form.
ReapWhen you end your turn with unused [E], enemies with Reap lose HP.
Reaper's TouchDeal damage to ALL enemies equal to their current Reap.
TODOTODO: Make your own epic keywords

Kayn Mod creatures

The Shadow ReaperPlayer68-75